Velocipede Bike Project image
Start Time: Saturday, February 13, 2010 at 9:00pm
End Time: Sunday, February 14, 2010 at 2:00am
Location: The Windup Space
Street: 12 West North Avenue
City/Town: Baltimore, MD
DJ Jason Willet (true vine)
Claire Hux (http://clairehux.com/)
Rebecca Nagle (http://www.rebeccanagle.com/)
Photo Booth (photos by Josh Sisk http://joshsisk.com)
Cake by Brunie's! (http://www.bruniesbakery.com/)
Raffle prizes from businesses such as:
Light Street Cycles,
Joe's Bike Shop,
Atomic Books,
Red Emmas,
Bella Hair Salon,
and many more
Hi everyone!
Velocipede Bike Project is celebrating its accomplishments, particularly its recent designation as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with its first ever “Velociprom”.
On Saturday, February 13th, 2010, come gather with us at the Windup Space in your swankiest tuxes, gowns and spandex for a night of live music, dancing, souvenir photos, and costume contests. It will be all of the fun the prom was (or should have been) without worrying about who to take or saving up for a limo.
$5 - $10 sliding scale donations. Spread the word!